About NOII

The Networks of Inquiry and Innovation is a voluntary inquiry-based network of schools  in British Columbia Canada. There are three connected networks:

  1. the former NPBS (the mainframe network)
  2. AESN, the Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network
  3. HSN, the Healthy Schools Network.
Support for the Networks comes from the provincial  Ministry of Education in BC and the federal government through INAC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada)

What do the three learning networks have in common?
  • We all have a shared goal: Working together to get 100% of learners “walking the stage with dignity, purpose and options” by 2020.
  • Participation is voluntary – and on an annual basis
  • As network members we believe we must pursue equity and quality at the same time.
  • We all use the BC performance standards.
  • We all use the six big strategies involved in a coaching form of assessing learning.
  • We all use the three learning questions to help us decide if learners are becoming more metacognitive: 
    • Where are you going with your learning?
    • How is it going?
    • Where to next?
  • We sustain our own professional interest and drive to change through curiosity and commitment over time.
  • We stay open to finding the strongest strategies for learning.
  • We believe that participating in an annual inquiry poster presentation allows for knowledge animation and supports the discovery of transformational practices.
  • The three networks work together to address the needs of the whole child - spiritual and creative, academic, physical and emotional health.
  • The networks provide high caliber, current research so that quality adult learning is available equally to all members.