Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pre-Symposium Seminar - May 11th

We are very pleased to announce the NOII Pre-Symposium Seminar with Dr. Helen Timperley and Amelia Peterson.  

This seminar is designed for educators:
  • determined to strengthen professional learning in schools and districts
  • curious about what other jurisdictions are doing to help all learners thrive
  • interested in how professional inquiry is helping to change the life experiences of learners

When: Thursday, May 11, 2017
             10am - 2:45pm

Where: Westin Wall Centre
              3099 Corvette Way
  Richmond BC

Cost: $150 (including GST) – Enrollment is limited
           Registration is online by credit card:

Dr. Helen Timperley, University of Auckland, New Zealand, is widely recognized for her work in professional learning. She has published widely, including her most recent book Realizing the Power of Professional Learning (2014).

Amelia Peterson is completing doctoral studies through Harvard University’s PhD in Education. She is currently studying the development processes of innovative education policy agendas, and working on Thrive: Why 21st Century Skills Are Not Enough (with Valerie Hannon, forthcoming June 2017).

Join us for an engaging session with two international scholars! Please share the flyer with your colleagues. Not registered for the NOII Symposium on May 12 & 13th yet? Registration is almost sold out:

Monday, March 13, 2017

Assessment for Learning Drive-In

Interested in assessment for learning and strategies for making the new BC Core Competencies visible for students?

The Centre for Innovation Educational Leadership at Vancouver Island University invites you to the Assessment for Learning Drive-In on April 20th from 4pm – 6pm at VIU Cowichan Campus in Duncan. For more details and to RSVP, see their flyer.