We have quite a number of opportunities for professional learning coming up in the next few months. Many of you already know about the
2016 Network Symposium taking place in Richmond, BC on May 13 & 14. The program will be finalized in the coming months and we’ll post it here when it’s available. We’ll have quite a few visiting speakers, including Helen Timperley, who is also providing a special
pre-symposium session on May 12
th. This pre-symposium event requires separate registration and seats are very limited – please register early!

There are also two upcoming opportunities through UBC. The 2
nd Inquiry &Innovation Summer Institute will take place on July 8 & 9 at the Vancouver Point Grey campus.
This is a two-day intensive working session for teachers, principals, cultural workers and district leaders looking to making inquiry-informed practices a way of life in school and district settings. The registration deadline is May 26
th –
please share this poster with your colleagues.
The 2
nd cohort of the UBC
Transformative Educational Leadership Program will begin October 2016. Through a blended, multi-access approach, participants will experience an opening weekend at UBC Vancouver in October, followed by a series of weekend retreats and online interactions, concluding with a capstone event in July 2017. The Transformative Educational Leadership Program is ideal for leaders in the K-12 system and other connected sectors, who are interested in system transformation. This cohort-based program is for exceptional individuals who already have post-graduate degrees and want to expand their world-view, gain new experiences and raise their academic credentials to new levels. We are currently accepting applications. Please
join our mailing list to be notified about upcoming program information sessions.
Lots on the go, as usual! Please
contact us to learn more about any of these opportunities.