Sunday, February 14, 2016

Network Meetings Across BC

Network schools across BC have submitted their NOII and AESN inquiry focuses and are now in the thick of working through the Spiral – implementing actions based on their scanning and hunches, and working toward deeply improving their practice and student learning. It’s a journey not to be rushed if we really want to continue to make a difference in our classrooms and schools.

In total we have 175 schools across BC and the Yukon participating in either NOII or AESN this year as well as close to 60 schools in the Healthy Schools Network. Wow! The opportunity to learn from and with each other is a key part of the Network, so it really is amazing to see the ways in which many schools are building on practices they have learned from others.

One way we do this is through regional meetings to share stories, troubleshoot, brainstorm and work together across similar contexts. Meetings provide a boost of energy at a busy time of year when we all could use a bit of extra motivation. We know from experience in BC and beyond that getting together regularly in face-to-face meetings deepens and strengthens the connections and accelerates the pace of new learning.

Thanks to Heidi Wood and the Surrey team for hosting this year’s Lower Mainland regional meeting on January 28th.  Schools shared resources, discussed progress and were able to hear a bit about all the international work the Network has on the go – including cohorts of schools piloting work with the Spirals in the UK. 

The North West Region held their meeting on Feb 5th at the Skeena Valley Golf Course. A large group came together from across the region – 37 educators from Nisga’a, Prince Rupert, Hazelton, Kitimat, Terrace and Thornhill were able to make the trek (with Smithers having to miss the event due to inclement weather and bad driving conditions). Thanks to Network Leader Kathy Eades for sharing this synopsis with us: 

We had a nice mix of experienced “Network” members, first year folks, and those who wanted to hear more about how this all works. Jody Tetreau and Jenelle VanTunen from Hazelton Secondary shared their student inquiry work, linking this with the re-freshed curriculum. Jody then shared a model she designed connected the work she does with Big Ideas and Inquiry. Christine Goncalves and Julia Nieckarz guided the group through the Core Competencies, Inquiry Based Model Stages, The Nature of Learning – Using Research to Inspire Practice from the Centre of Educational Research and Innovation, 2 Models of School Wide Inquiry and Grade Level Sharing. There were rich opportunities for new learning, and deep conversations with folks within our region.

We really appreciate hearing about what other regions are up to and how they are structuring their face-to-face time. Please consider putting some brief notes in an email to me us at so that we can share your good work. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Register Now for the 2016 NOII Symposium

Register now for the 2016 NOII Symposium on May 13 & 14, 2016 at the Westin Wall Centre in Richmond, BC. The 2016 event – Purpose, Passion and Persistence: Making it Real – will showcase innovative educational leadership through local and international speakers (see below for the amazing line-up!), school presentations and flash chats for sharing actions that are make a difference.  Please share this flyer with your colleagues.

2016 NOII Symposium
Friday, May 13, 2016
– 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday, May 14, 2016
– 8:30 am to 12:00 noon
The Westin Wall Centre, Vancouver Airport
3099 Corvette Way, Richmond BC

Online registration for the Symposium is now available at Registration is $350 (including gst). If paying by cheque, please see instructions on the flyer. Contact Donna Weaving, Network Coordinator, with any questions:

Symposium Accommodations:
Book your room at the Westin Wall Centre, Vancouver Airport:

On-line:  or  Tel: 604-303-6565 / 1-888-414-2010
To qualify for the group rate of $139.00 (s/d) call prior to May 2, 2016 and indicate you are attending the “NOII” or “Networks of Inquiry and Innovation” Symposium.

Speakers and Events: 
This year's event will feature a number of speakers, including:

Deborah Butler, University of British Columbia
Kaleb Child, Vancouver Island North
Alison Davies, BC Teachers' Federation
Catherine McGregor, University of Victoria
Nancy Perry, University of British Columbia
Amelia Peterson, Harvard University
Shane Pointe, Vancouver School Board's Knowledge Keeper/Elder in Residence
Leyton Schnellert, University of BC Okanagan
David Sim, NSW Department of Education and Communities
Terry Taylor, Arrow Lakes School District
Helen Timperley, University of Auckland, New Zealand    

We’re also extremely excited to once again feature a number of school presentations from both elementary schools sharing their learning around bringing passion and purpose to life in service of their learners, and secondary schools actively engaged in the AESN Transition Study (Dr. Catherine McGregor will speak more to this as well!). We’ll also, once again, be joined by a group of student ambassadors who will challenge us to think deeply about our practice and provide feedback on how we are doing so far.

We promise a very memorable, networked, inspiring event! Please register early as there are limited spaces and we fill the venue every year!