We are
fortunate to have a number of thoughtful, engaging featured speakers sharing
their time and ideas with us at the Symposium this year. One of these
individuals is Chris Kennedy, the Superintendent of Schools in the West
Vancouver School District and board member for the Canadian Education Association (CEA). Chris is
a leading voice in education in British Columbia and beyond, regularly sharing ideas
around personalized learning, professional development, social media, technology
in the classroom, and more through his blog
and twitter @chrkennedy. In 2012
he was named Canada’s
Top Education Blogger.
His passion for education is evident in his writing and through his presentations. Check out a few of his recent articles, including how SD 45 is monitoring the impact of self-regulation instructional methods, suggestions and tools for educators to engage with social media as part of their professional practice, or his thought-provoking Top 3 Lists. We’ve also included below his recent talk at Tedx West Vancouver ED.
His passion for education is evident in his writing and through his presentations. Check out a few of his recent articles, including how SD 45 is monitoring the impact of self-regulation instructional methods, suggestions and tools for educators to engage with social media as part of their professional practice, or his thought-provoking Top 3 Lists. We’ve also included below his recent talk at Tedx West Vancouver ED.
share more about other featured speakers in coming